
     This poem was written four months before my first grandchild was born. I remember feeling a love and a hope like I had never felt before that time in my life. I truly had no idea of what the future held for me and my grandchildren. The term “grandfamily” was unheard of and we were just nearing the cusp of what was to become a major drug epidemic here in our country. As time passed, I soon began to see that things were not as they should be and that my grandchildren were in very unhealthy and unsafe situations. After a time of learning the difficult lesson that I really had no control, I finally decided to start trusting God with it all.

     I remember walking throughout my home many times, boldly praying. I asked God to bring my babies to me to raise. That is, if their circumstances were not going to change. Over and over I made the commitment to God that if he chose to bring them to me, that I would raise them in his will and teach them about his love and salvation. I thank God that he gave me prayer, and the faith and boldness to walk in the knowledge that his will would be done. It would be done for the welfare of my babies. All I wanted was for them to be healthy and safe … to be loved and cared for in the way they should be. Gradually and one by one, the Lord brought them to me in miracle working ways. I have had them all for a number of years now. With that said, my babies are no longer babies. They are quickly growing into young men and a truly sweet young lady that a maw-maw can be so very proud of. Even though, I often remind them that no matter how old they are, they will always be my babies. As they mature and though they may stumble, I do not doubt they will be quality grownups who walk in integrity and honor. More importantly, I do not waver in the knowledge that they will be true men and a true woman of God, walking in wisdom, and loving him and others in the way he and I both desire for them to do.

     With all of this, the relationships with their parents and my daughters have been safely tucked away on a shelf somewhere in our hearts, alongside forgiveness. It is a place where anger and resentment have not been welcomed. Where the gift of faith has been a ‘special delivery’ from God’s hands to our hearts. It is a gift that helps us to know the addiction which plagues will be broken, and relationships will be healed and restored. We know that it is only a matter of time; God’s time.

My Precious Grandchild

Small and sweet with eyes that shine

Blessed be this precious gift of mine

Ten tiny fingers and ten such tiny toes

You shall never know a life of woes

Your life I will hold as I would my own

As Jesus does protect your soul

with my prayer each night “Thy will be done”

A new hope you have given, though to small to comprehend

Hurts from the past you have accomplished to mend

Smiles with hope to be carried on shoulders small and fragile

Never to worry, for I will carry them for you my precious grandchild.

August 10, 2001

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