In this section, you will find a wide variety of grandfamily and kinship care resources. They range from .pdf documents that provide information, to tools kits which offer lists of documents you will need, and training modules. While we realize that our grandfamily and kinship care providers are experienced parents, we also know that raising children in today’s world is very different. Those differences present unique challenges that we did not have to conquer when we raised our children. We need to be cognoscente of our grandchildren’s emotional and mental health as well. Many times, and by the time we get our grandchildren, they have been living in very unhealthy circumstances. Or worse, subjected to things that no one should have to endure and much less, a child. The resources that we have already included within this section and that we hope to grow, surround this and every aspect of raising children in grandfamilies and kinship care giver situations. We encourage you to take advantage of everything it has to offer. You can look for grandfamily resources by state, or national resources. You can look for topics such as Raising Grandchildren and Finances from AARP. There is also the link to the Children’s Defense Fund where you can find their Kinship Care Resource Kit.

We welcome your grandfamily resource suggestions here. GFC is a new community and we have much work to do. Partnering with our grandfamilies who have built a knowledge base to help those who are just beginning their journey is just one of the goals of

Grandfamily Resources by State

National Grandfamily Resources

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